/ 2011 design Eddy Antonello / Alberto FabbianFreestanding clothes stand, reminiscent of the typical succulent plants of the desert. Equipped with six hangars, Lapsus is an ornamental object for the home, which is functional at the same time. The metal base ensures good stability.

Eddy Antonello
Eddy Antonello was born in Vicenza in 1982. In 2005 graduated in indutrial design and started a collaboration as a designer with the JoeVelluto studio, following projects of industrial design as well as related to communication and setting. In the meanwhile Eddy works also as pattern maker developing industrial products, interior and entertaining set projects and providing his tecnical and stylistic consultancy. He has been awarded with several national and international awards as “Andreu World 2005”, “Idee per la luce 2005”, “Idee per il mobile 2006”, “Living in the box”, “Fiat500 want you”, “Re-Invent”. In 2006 and in 2007 his works have been displayed at the “Asap Store” in Milano, on the occasion of the Opos competitions “Transformer” and “Vecchio/Old”.

Alberto Fabbian
Born in 1981 in Bassano del Grappa (VI). His passion for Street Art led him to develop illustrated works with a sensitive attention to detail and subject matter. IN 2006 he earned his diploma from the Italian School of Design in Padua, participating in various workshops for important Italian companies. In 2006, he began his collaboration with JoeVelluto Studio (JVLT), developing communications projects and designing products and installations. He works as a freelance designer, creating small stories that are reflected in illustrations and objects.