Matteo Ragni
Was born in Milan in 1972. He obtained a degree in architecture from the Politecnico of Milan. He has worked in the field of design since 1995. He teaches at the Faculty of Design at the “Politecnico” of Milan and the “Istituto Europeo di Design”. He has held workshops at various universities in Chile and taken part in exhibitions in Italy and Scotland. In 1998 he founded the Aroundesign studio with Giulio Iacchetti and together, in 2001, they won the ADI Golden Compass award with their biodegradable multipurpose cutlery “Moscardino”, which is displayed in the permanent design exhibition at the MOMA in New York.

I’ve never trusted the continuous proliferation of disparate manuals: how to improve yourself, how to become a billionaire, how to lose weight in ten days, how to pick up girls etc. Manuals are often considered as ‘magic pill’ instruction books, or as impish shortcuts to manage life, following pre- conceived formulas. Design, however, is a personal journey marked by daily experiments, constantly lled with defeats and victories, leaps and project improvements. In my opinion, the path is the only thing that matters; the experience, driven by passion, humility, a listening attitude and unrestrained willpower. A few years ago, I was hired by a well-known design school to lecture on design methodology. And this led me back to a question already on my mind: are designers born or made? The answer is “written” in the pages of this agile book, halfway between a serious scienti c treatise and a novel with a plot twist. This manual, when properly used, will become a unique and unrepeatable source of inspiration for designers. This manual is a customizable book, to be considered above all as a tool to improve the world gradually, page by page, starting from ourselves.

Frozen Catering Counter
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Frozen Chair
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Frozen Corner
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Frozen Desk
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Frozen Desk Large
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Frozen Dining Table Structure
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Frozen Display
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Frozen Lamp
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Frozen Square Stool
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Frozen Stool
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Frozen Table Structure
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